Career Learning

Rule 1 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management.

Learn to say, “I don’t know.” If used when appropriate, it will be used often.


How many times have you been in a meeting with someone who felt compelled to contribute even though he or she obviously did not know what to say? Silence is golden in these circumstances.

If you are asked to contribute and don’t know what to say – or don’t have the answer – then simply say, “I don’t know.” Maybe you should know the answer, but if you don’t, say so. Learn for the next time, even better, volunteer to go get the answer.

It is my belief that if you behave this way, you will be respected for your honesty and candor. You are not expected to know the answer to everything.

We’ve all been in this positon, and will be again. “I don’t know” are powerful words when used appropriately.

  • Note: Photos and text at here are taken from the public website without intention to infringe their copyrights.

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