Career Learning


以下是國家地理雜誌攝影師德威特‧瓊斯在 Ted 的演講,在一次取景過程,他提到原本要拍取「浦公英」(dandelion) 的照片,結果因自己在情緒上沒有涉入 (engage) ,最後浦公英已經謝盡,剩下的只剩雜草般的「馬勃菌」(puffball) 可供拍攝。經過一番「涉入」,於取景之後,他拍攝出一張極美的馬勃菌照片,連她自己都即為讚嘆,於是他說:「It always seemed to be there when I had looked through that lens of celebration」(當我用相機拍下那張照片時,那個景象似乎一直就在那裡等我)!顯然,攝影師「取鏡」角度不同,畫面不同,同理,一個人面對問題的取捨不同,答案也不同。


Dewitt Jones 的演講饒有深意,他所言不只是一個攝影師的讚嘆,而是一個人思維與視野的反餽,大家可以透過觀看此一視頻,想想可以如何取鏡自己的人生。


(Dewitt Jones的英文演講全文,可以參閱以下連結:

點選以下圖片,即可以進入 Youtube 視頻觀看演講


I spent a large part of my life as a photographer for National Geographic. World’s greatest job.


Well, that job — it changed my life in a very surprising way. And that’s the story I want to share with you tonight. It began long before I ever picked up a camera. My family had taken the magazine for years. By the time I was able to read, I’d grab when it came into the house, I’d take it upstairs.


I’d read it at night. My Dad would say, “Turn off the light, Dewitt, go to bed!” I’d turn the light back on. I’d get a flashlight. I’d stay up and stare at the pictures in this little yellow book, pictures that showed me the possibilities the world had to offer.


I never thought I’d work for them; I never thought I’d shoot for them, but they were already changing the way. I looked at the world. Because the Geographic has an extraordinary vision — so simple yet so profound. What they charged me with, every time they sent me out, was to celebrate what was right with the world, rather than wallowing in what was wrong with it. That’s why we keep these little yellow magazines. It’s a national sacrilege to throw one away, you know that.


(Full transcript of the speech can be found at the following website:

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