Career Learning


丹佐華盛頓是知名的美國藝人,主演過多部演影片如「費城」、「赤色風暴」等。近年來,由於他的人生經驗與講詞內容深具啟發意義,是以也成為畢業季節各校受邀演講的熱門人物。2011年,他受邀至賓州大學畢業典禮致詞,並以「Fall Forward」(失敗時勇於向前)為題,鼓勵畢業的年輕學子在面臨各式各樣的挫折時,持續嘗試,畢竟順遂之路少有,而顛躓之局常見。在演講中他提到:「I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks.」(如果不勇於冒險嘗試,人生將沒有任何事具有價值),他也說:「Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You’ve got to take risks」(每一次失敗的經驗,都會更靠近成功,因此人生必須冒險嘗試)。此外,在講詞中,他甚至以他太太鼓勵的話語分享給畢業學子:「To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.」(想獲得不曾擁有的東西,就必須去做不曾做過的事)。許多珠璣之言,都有相當深層的意義,非常值得一聽。請大家點選下圖進入Youtube觀看,也可在以係網址看到演講全文:https://singjupost.com/denzel-washingtons-famous-fall-forward-speech-full-transcript/


Thank you. Thank you very much.


I am obviously the most unorganized; everybody else has nice boxes when they’re script up and I just kind of got all my stuff here and put inside of a magazine, so. So in fact, I don’t even have it in the right order, wait a minute. Let me get it in the right order here….


So if it starts like flying around the stage, just run around and grab it for me, bring it back up here for me. I’ll keep going as I can.


President Gutmann; Provost Price; Board Chair Cohen; fellow honorees; beautiful honorees and today’s graduates.


I’m honored and grateful for the invitation today. It’s always been great to be on the Penn campus. I’ve been here before a lot of times for basketball games. My son played at the Palestra, played on the basketball team. Coach didn’t give him enough playing time, but we’ll talk about that later.


No, I’m really pleased with the progress that Coach Allen has made and no, I do. I am, I really am. And I hope him the best success in the future.


I’d always get a warm welcome when I come to Pennsylvania, when I come to Philadelphia — except on the few occasions when I’d wear my Yankees cap.


It’s like taking your life in your hands around it when you wear Yankee cap, I am telling you. I met a couple of guys and they were like: “Hey, we love you Denzel. But you walking around with that hat on…we don’t care who you are.”


So you’ll be happy to see that I’m not wearing my Yankees cap today.


But I am wearing my Yankees socks, my Yankees t-shirt, and my Yankees jock shirts, my Yankee underwear. Not my Yankee cap.


Still, I’ll be honest with you: I’m a little nervous. I am not used to speaking at a graduation of this magnitude, it’s a little overwhelming. This is out of my comfort zone.


Dress me up in army fatigues. Or throw me on top of a moving train, someone said unstoppable or ask me to play Malcolm X, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Alonzo from Training Day: I can do all that.


But a commencement speech? It’s a very serious affair and it’s a different ballgame. There are literally thousands and thousands of people here.


And for those who say— well you’re a movie star, millions of people watch you speak all the time…… Yes, that’s technically true.  But I’m not actually there in the theater — watching them watching me. I think that makes sense.


Youtube video can be seen at the following link:


Full transcript can be seen at here:


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