以下為 William H. Swanson, Chairman & CEO of Raytheon 針對游移價值觀的感受:
This rule never fails. Watch out for those with situational value systems – people who turn the charm on and off depending on the status of the person with whom they’re interacting. Those people may be good actors, but they don’t become good leaders. There’s a consistency in leadership that’s greater than mere situational awareness. I was reminded of this recently while dining at a high-end restaurant with several other CEOs. One guy’s meal didn’t come out right and he decided to take the waiter down a peg or two. The poor server didn’t prepare the food – he simply carried it from the kitchen! I looked across the table and thought,” What the hell is this guy trying to prove?” He was trying to show who was in charge, but really he was just being an ass.
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