Rule 22 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management: 養成做出快速且果斷的決定
這一則管理邏輯說的是「養成做出快速且果斷的決定」。猶豫不決是企業經營的絆腳石,也會因此失去商機影響企業得生存與發展,甚者因為無法做出決策而造為公司的重大災難。Swanson 先生身為美國大型國防合約商的執行長,如何對於所面臨的事務做出判斷與決策,自有深刻的體會。
快速決策並非是魯莽決定而不周全考慮,能夠快速果斷的做決定,其實是懂得消除浪費,並將心智用於重要、有更大價值事務之上的訓練成果!這需要時間練習 決策,也需要透過錯誤而習得教訓,不可能一蹴而就。所以領導人基本上都是在資訊有限下,學習利用有限資訊,然後抉擇並做出一個還不算太差的決定。
Cultivate the habit of making quick, clean-cut decisions
This does not mean one should act impulsively. Quick, clean-cut decisions are the product of a mind that trains itself to eliminate waste – to focus on value-added thinking.
Don't waffle or flip-flop. Stand by your decision unless you find out something new – or you discover that you were wrong. Then, quickly and cleanly, make it right.
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