Career Learning

Rule 29 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management: 不做無益之事



對於球鞋有偏愛者,我先道個歉,但我要說的重點是:即或你用力去擦一個空殼,空殼終究還是空殼。我成長的過程,我們是用 Kiwi 鞋油擦鞋,並用白色的 Kiwi 鞋油去擦我們的球鞋以保持潔淨。但,不論我們怎麼努力擦球鞋,髒的球鞋還一個髒的球鞋!






You Can't Polish A Sneaker


My apologies to those who cherish their sneakers, but my point is that even if you polish a hollow shell, it’s still nothing but a hollow shell. When I was growing up, we used white Kiwi polish to make our sneakers look new, but no matter how hard we tried, an ugly sneaker remained an ugly sneaker. 


Now when I see a briefing that’s heavy on style but short on substance or focus, I say, “You’re not going to be able to polish that sneaker.” It’s a polite way of saying you haven’t started out with anything meaningful. 


Trying to polish a sneaker can actually be dangerous because it may inadvertently convince others that the sneaker has a value that it doesn’t really possess. This can lead organizations down unproductive dead ends.


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