Career Learning
Career Learning

Rule 3 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management.

If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.


It is common, especially among those assuming positions of responsibility for the first time, to avoid decisions and thus the risk of criticism. No one enjoys criticism – either having to justify one’s decisions or, on occasion, acknowledge error. But there is also a risk in avoiding decisions. Small problems now can fester and grow into big problems later. Opportunities today can disappear tomorrow. Remember: problems are not like wine and cheese; they do not get better with age.

By all means, don’t be rash, but do make decisions. That’s why you were given the responsibility in the first place. Calculated risks may be appropriate. However, be thoughtful: do not make the same mistake twice. You will learn from your many decisions that turn out well and you will learn even more from the few that do not. During one of my early appraisals, my manager said: “I do believe this young man has made every mistake once, but never twice.” I hope he was exaggerating a little, but you get the point.

I can also tell you that some of my most criticized decisions eventually turned out to be the best for the company.

  • Note: Photos and text at here are taken from the public website without intention to infringe their copyrights.

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