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Rule 7 of Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management.
Constantly review developments to make sure that the actual benefits are what they were supposed to be. Avoid Newton’s Law.
Follow-through is just as important as good decision-making in the first place. When deciding on a course of action, set measureable objectives that can be monitored over timed to make sure the decision is yielding the intended benefits. By “avoid Newton’s Law,” I mean that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Assume that your decision may have second- and third-order effects. Monitor the progress of the actions you set in motion to make sure these effects are not counter-productive, and if they are, that they are addressed early.
At Raytheon, our program managers use various process disciplines that enable them to evaluate how well the program is proceeding and whether mid-course corrections are needed.
When used properly, these disciplines are a powerful management tool to keep programs on course. However, it is essential that the manager use the disciplines to gain insight into his or her program and its progress, and not simply as a way to “check the box.”
- Note: Photos and text at here are taken from the public website without intention to infringe their copyrights.
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