Career Learning


Dr. Ibram X. Kendi 的新書 "Stamped From The Beginning" ,他於 2016 年獲得美國國家圖書獎 (National Book Award)  ,他以反種族主義揚名並常至美國各地演講。2106 年他前往佛羅里達大學,於應屆博士畢業生的畢業典禮上進行演講,其中有一段有關「怎樣才算是知識份子?」,其內容發深省,值得大家一看。

On December 16, 2016, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi delivered the doctoral commencement address at the University of Florida and here is a section regarding "intellectual".  
The point of my address is to ask you a simple question: are you an intellectual?


I am asking this question because you need to know that having a doctorate does not make you an intellectual. It is so embarrassing, but there are doctorates who are not intellectuals. Just like there are MDs who are not healers. Just like there are JDs who are not about justice. Just like there are Reverends who are not about God. Isn’t that a tragedy walking: a Reverend who is not about God? Isn’t that a tragedy walking: a JD who is not about justice. Isn’t that a tragedy walking: a MD who is not a healer? Isn’t that a tragedy walking: a doctorate holder who is not an intellectual?


Today you are joining the illustrious academy of doctoral recipients. But I want to talk to you today about joining the even more illustrious academy of intellectuals. No doctorate degree is required to join the intellectual academy. This is an inclusive academy with all types of people with all types of backgrounds. There are people with only a GED in this intellectual academy. There are incarcerated people in this intellectual academy. There are homeless people in this intellectual academy. There are poor people in this intellectual academy.


When I say intellectual, I am not referring to someone who knows a wealth of information. How much you know has no bearing on how much you are in intellectual.

Detail information can be found at this link:

To watch the speech related to "intellectual", pleas refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I06CUJw_xxs

Full speech can be found at: 

  • Note: Photos, text, or video at here are taken from the public website without intention to infringe their copyrights.

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