News & Activities

EHS Temporary Meeting for Performance Indexes of 2019 and 2020

Golden Brother conducted its EHS meeting on Nov., 21 to go over the following subjects:
1. The review of performance indexes of 2019
2. The discussion of performance indexes of 2020
3. The promotion of “zero-tolerance fire accident” policy and the responsibility of related staff
4. The issue of incorporating the affiliated company’s dormitories into the guidance of GB’s regional offices
5. Case study of zero-tolerance fire accident policy for each region
After reviewing and discussion, the EHS meeting concurred the operating results of the performance indexes in 2019 and agreed upon the new indexes in 2020 which is based upon continuous improvement of those indexes in 2019.
In total, 11 performance indexes were agreed with related target numbers and these numbers will be reviewed on quarterly basis so as to hope the overall operation results can be further improved.  If the indexes do not meet the target number, temporary meeting will held to review the difference.  Besides, it is expected the importance of EHS issues can be further recognized by GB's staff.
As for zero-tolerance fire accident policy, EHS chairman Lee shared a case regarding the deferred prosecution made by the Taoyuan prosecution office.  Furthermore, member Chu also shared his personal experience for the prosecution issue by saying that the coordinators, once appointed with clear responsibilities, will also responsible for cases of fire accidents; hence, the coordinators have to keep alert for fire-concerned issues instead of ignoring the unusual symptoms.  Also, coordinators at Hsinchu shared their management experience relating to unproper using electricity and the guidance procedures for other areas reference.  
As the company is constructing the App in these days, now the need to have complete information for every single dormitory becomes a critical issue; therefore, the chairman Lee represents President Li of GB to request all members of each area to take care of those dormitories originally established by the affiliated companies simultaneously.  From now on, member of each regions will have to carry the EHS duty and respond with proper counter-actions. 

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