News & Activities

Self-Management for 14 Days for Those Who Went for Certain Areas

As the Diamond Princess tourists went for sightseeing at northern part of Taiwan and those tourists may have infected by Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP); hence, it is necessary for all GB’s staff and lodged foreign workers to take self-management for 14 days (from 1/31/2020 6am to 5:30pm) till the end of Feb. 14 with special attention for fever or respiratory symptoms.


The details spots are:
Taipei 101, Taipei Zhonɡ Xiao Fusing SOGO New Building, Di Hua Street, Zhongshan Hall, Liberty Square, Zhongzheng Memorial Hall, South Gate Plaza, Taipei Station, Ximending, Longshan Temple, Qingcao Lane, Xichang Street, Confucius Temple and security palace in Taipei, Yuanshan Hotel, Dazhi Zhonglie Temple, National Palace Museum, Yangmingshan Bamboo Lake, New North Yeliu, Wanli District Guihou, Jiufen old street, Shiliao, Shiliao Old Street, Nanya Qiyan, Ruifang district; Jilong Miaokou, Jilong Cultural Center, Zhongzheng Park, Xiandong, Zhengbin Fishing Port, Bisha Fishing Port, Heping Island, Waimushan, Baimigang Fort, etc. 


For the good of yourself and others, please don't neglect, we all need be more careful to get more secured. 

點閱人數 : 8174