News & Activities

Taoyuan Major Wen-Tsan Cheng Visited Golden Brother

As one of the COVID-19 infected case is a foreign handmaid; hence, Taoyuan Major Wen-Tsan Cheng along with leader of Labor Bureau Mr. Jing Hang Chen, section leader Mrs. Chiu Mei Chen, Mr. Weijun Luo, Mr. Guoqin Qiu, Miss Huiru Chen visited Golden Brother at Chungli on March 6th (Fri.) to know how the HR agency prevents the foreign workers from getting COVID-19 during this period and other issues related to life-caring for foreign workers.  Since the dorm is specially setup for ASECL; therefore, VP Wenzhi Shen and senior HR director Pinhong Guo were also sit in to provide further information regarding ASECL.


President Golden Li gave the briefing in person and share with all others about the business philosophy, facilities, and how GB takes care of the life-caring issues of the foreign workers.  Later on, Major Cheng inspected the living and recreation areas used by the foreign workers and gave his affirmation for what GB did; besides, he also mentioned that in the future, he would come again to learn more details so as to provide more assistance to the HR agency industry.  


The visit marked an end around 4:30pm and a group picture was taken for future remembrance.  

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