News & Activities

Wall Painting Activity by Golden Brother’s Immigrant Worker

In these few months, the COVID-19 has infected the whole world relentlessly.  Our country, ROC, hence raised a slogan named: “Taiwan Can Help” and donate various medical resources to other countries.  At same time, Golden Brother also donated certain medical resources to Taoyuan City and Thailand Trade and Economic Office to show our concerns for those who work in the front.  Due to the efforts made by GB,   Minister Mingchun Xu of Ministry of Labor, Director Zhenyang Shi of Workforce Development Agency, and Taoyuan Major Wen-Tsan Cheng, Hsinchu Mayor Lin, Zhi Jian visited Golden Brother’s dormitories and gave Golden Brother high appraisal.  


The immigrant worker Lelani M. Marcellano, from Philippine, sensed the warm and service made by the staff of Golden Brother; hence, on her own will, she made a few paintings under the slogan “ GB can help, Taiwan can help” to show her gratitude to those who contribute greatly to prevent the COVID-19 in the past few months.  The purposes of having a color painted wall are threefold: one, let all foreign workers understand the efforts made by Taiwan, ROC; two, show their gratitude to staff who work so hard during the pandemic period; three, serve as a background to all foreign workers while taking pictures to memorize this particular period for preventing COVID-19 from spreading.  

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