News & Activities

Do Not Give Your Bank Account to Those You Do Not Familiar with in the Internet

As the internet shopping become one of the daily routines, it is not easy to know whether the one you met in internet is showing their real identity.  It is necessary to know that internet is flooded with fraud information and identity.  Recently, we have notified some case that foreign workers gave their account information to friends in the internet who conducted illegal behaviors such as money laundry and thus to earn small amount of service charge to even for free.  The legal concerns will surely arise if your account is used for improper or illegal purposes.  
Here, we would like to remind all foreign workers not to give your bank account to anyone, in the internet, that you do not familiar with.  Besides, if your back account does get involved in the illegal behaviors, you may have high probability to be accused for:
A. Criminal Code article 339
A person who by fraud causes another to deliver to him property belonging to such other or to a third person for purpose to exercise unlawful control over other’s property for himself or for a fourth person shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or short-term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five hundred thousand yuan may be imposed.
A person who by the means specified in the preceding paragraph takes an illegal benefit for himself or for a third person shall be subject to the same punishment.
An attempt to commit an offense specified in one of the two preceding paragraphs is punishable.
B. Money Laundering Control Act article 2
As used in this Act, the crime of money laundering is committed by any person who—
1. knowingly disguises or conceals the origin of the proceeds of specified unlawful activity, or transfers or converts the proceeds of specified unlawful activity to help others avoid criminal prosecution;
2. disguises or conceals the true nature, source, the movement, the location, the ownership, and the disposition or other rights of the proceeds of specified unlawful activity; or
3. accepts, obtains, possesses or uses the proceeds of specified unlawful activity committed by others.
C. Money Laundering Control Act article 14
Anyone involved in money laundering activities prescribed in paragraphs in Article 2 shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than seven years; in addition, a fine of not more than NT$ 5 million shall be imposed.
An attempt to commit an offense specified in the preceding paragraph is punishable.
In circumstance prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, the penalty may not exceed the maximum punishment administered for the specified unlawful activity.
We would like to remind all foreign workers not to let your kindness become the tool for those have illegal intentions.  Furthermore, it is highly risky to give your back account to someone in the internet you do not familiar and such behavior may have high chance to make you become the “head account” with illegal concerns.

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