News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted Its Labor/Management and EHS meeting on July 21

Golden Brother conducted the Labor/Management and EHS meeting on July 21 so as to communicate the daily routines with staff and to address those unfinished issues left by previous meetings or any provisional motions.


For the labor/management meeting, except for the reporting for daily routines, the chairman Wangen Lee also addressed on the CSR performance indexes that can be easily achieved and lack of aggressiveness.  Hence, Lee urged all representatives to examine the current indexes and then give solid suggestions in order to remedy the performance indexes in next meeting that and can reflect our eagerness to make progress and to comply with rigid auditing standards.  Furthermore, as the pandemic for COVID-19 in Taiwan is now much released, the HR suggested to continue wearing masks while going out or joining meeting with crowd of participants to prevent oneself and others from getting infected.  As for other provisional motions, those can be answered/discussed were given the answers and those could not be answered at once were left to be reviewed by relative departments to get possible answers in the coming near future.


For the EHS meeting, the regional heads were requested to report out the following three major topics: “zero-tolerance for fire accident”, “EHS information sharing”, and “Fire drill”.  Chairman Wangen Lee demonstrated the location of GB’s website that covered fire extinguishers and checkup lists and urged the documents need to have the signatures that are responsible for the information provided in the documents.  Lee mentioned: it is the results and accountability wanted by the company not the facial information.  Furthermore, Lee urged the regional heads to take advantage of the GB Serve App, created by GB directly, to share all kinds of information so as to quickly and effectively deliver the messages to the foreign workers.  


After the meeting, President Li was informed the contents of the meetings and indicated that he will discuss the safety issue with HR department to decide whether to have the group tour for this year.  For the EHS issues, President does hope all representatives know to face all safety issues with high concerns and keep GB’s business philosophy in mind: “life-care business for foreign workers” since it is always better to prevent bad news from happening in advance instated of facing the reviews and nonconformities later on.

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