News & Activities

Caring Activity for White Kite Nursery School in 2020

In the afternoon of Sept. 17 (Thur.), Guess Chang and Yang Lu, on behalf of Chairman Peter Li and President golden Li, represented the company to donate a batch of material to White Kite Nursery School located at Dayuan of Taoyuan City.  It is our hope those necessities can do some help to support the student daily living.  The representatives of White Kite not only gave their thankfulness to Golden Brother for the continuous support but also address their special thanks to Chairman and President for the caring and assistance in these years.


“Support public welfare, concern for disadvantage”, “encourage learning, promote intelligence enhancing”, and “care for neighborhood, look after fellow men” are the main themes of Golden Brother while conducting its corporate social responsibilities.  The support gave to White Kite is also based on the sense of social responsibility and the empathy as a human being.  It is our hope our society can be more peaceful and warm as most of the corporations can contribute their efforts to the activities related to the CSR. 

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