News & Activities

Golden Brother Warm Love Caring Activity

To further fulfill the corporate social responsibilities, Chairman Peter Li led relevant colleagues and migrant workers from Golden Brother, together with the friends from Prince Ann’s Charity and Virtue Association, went to the Activity Center of Fuxing village of Zhongli City in the morning of Nov. 16 (Mon.) to donate various livelihood material to disadvantaged families in Fuxing, Fuhua, Wenshu, Zhongyuan, Zhongyi villages and students in Neili Junior High School who are in need of supporting due to family issues.  Those donated materials were taken Mr. Chu, Chenan, the head of Fuxing Village, and the head of counselor of Neili Junior High School.  


In total, 196 families were supported by this Warm Love Caring Activity.  We hope the social can be more warmly and those who are in need of help can get what they really need by the caring activity conducted by Golden Brother and Prince Ann’s Charity and Virtue Association.

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