News & Activities

Dumpling Making Activity at Golden Brother Kaohsiung Office

In order to share the dumpling making skills with migrant workers, Golden Brother’s Kaohsiung office particularly invited lecturer Chu, Jiawen to teach them how to prepare the stuffing and how to make nice-looking dumplings with their hands.  


Since the dumpling making is one of the unique traditional cultures; hence, more than 50 migrant workers participated this event with high willingness, including our colleagues Zhang, Huizhen and Wu, Tingyi.  Furthermore, it is expected after learning this special skills, they can share it with their relatives and friends at their home countries or even take advantage of this special skill as one of uniqueness of their own restaurant.  


The dumping making event ended in the sound of praises and the made dumplings were all taken into their hungry stomachs.  

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