News & Activities

2020 Earthquake and Fire Drill at Chanhwa Fuxing Hall

In order to continue promoting the selfprotection concept and safety concerns, Chanhwa Fuxing Hall of Golden Brother conducted the earthquake and fire drill on Dec. 6, 2020 (Sun.) .   Led by the local Manager Alex Yuan, the drill contains the following four subjects:
1. The escape route while emergency
2. The demonstration of using fire extinguisher and hydrant
3. The exercise of fire extinguisher, hydrant
4. The demonstration of using slow descent equipment


In the practicing process, demonstration was given first and then requested the participants to operate the fire extinguisher and the hydrant in person to ensure they are able to hand on those facilities and put out the fire at once.  After the drill, a quick review was conducted to ensure we can have an improved drill for the next time so as to achieve the purpose of “keep alert at any time, able to use by anyone”.  

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