News & Activities

Golden Brother’s Fire Drill of Nanshan Hall 2 at Taoyuan

To ensure the migrant workers are able to put out the fire or evacuate at once when the fire break out unexpectedly, the lodging department of GB Taoyuan conducted the fire drill on Dec. 15 (Tue.) for Nanshan Hall 2.


The scenario is to simulate the fire brought out at 1F which blocked the planned escape route and workers could not find exit at all.  The drill requested the workers to follow the preset responsibilities to conduct inform, lead, put out, and rescue obligations that organized by the fire alarm task force in advance.  The workers are led to the top building to solicit help.


After the drill, the leader gave short briefing to the workers particularly for those area need to be improved in the fire accident.  The key point is the present a real case to the workers and nothing can be easy and relax while the fire brought out.  It is necessary to look after one another during the fire alarm so as to achieve best result of saving lives and properties. 

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