News & Activities

Golden Brother Installed Thermal Imaging Temperature Detectors to Prevent COVID-19 From Spreading

As COVID-19 becomes a critical issue all around the world, Golden Brother decides to install the thermal imaging temperature detectors to secure the physical condition of the migrant workers to avoid cluster infection.  The detectors were installed in the following halls: Jhongli Jhonghua Hall 1, Jhongli Ziqiang Hall 1 & 3, and Hsinchu Minghu Hall.  It is our help by installing the temperature detectors, the workers in high body temperature can be quickly detected during in/out of their dormitories which can facilitate the management team to conduct quick response actions.


The detectors can timely display the temperature on the screen and can also go for auto calibration of temperature.  At the same time, the detectors can also sound alarm for those in/out workers who have high possibility in fever condition.  The measure taken should be of great help to the prevention and control of epidemic situation.  Golden Brother would like to remind all staff and migrant workers not to go to public areas as much as possible and pay attention to hygiene, wash hands frequently, wear face masks and to raise their own immunity in order to contribute a bit to prevent the spreading of COVID-19.

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