News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted EHS Meeting in March 2021

Golden Brother conducted the EHS meeting on March 30 (Tue.) and went over the corrective actions aimed at the auditing findings for 3 dormitories.  The remedy report was briefed by the dormitory management center so as to serve as samples for all other dormitories.  


In addition, Chariman Lee of the meeting, specially invited all coordinators to join the LINE group setup for EHS purpose to receive the latest information in the coming future.  At the same time, after the completion of the internal website, the data related to the dormitory will be uploaded directly by the coordinators in order to speed up the internal efficiency and timeliness.


In view of the long drought, the chairman once again conveyed the instruction from the President Li on “drought resistance and water saving” at the meeting.  At all times, it shall be necessary to keep the habit of saving water since the pain of having no water is indeed unbearable. We urge all coordinators shall inform the migrant workers about the severe situation of water shortage in Taiwan and to gain their understanding for the water saving measures taken in this particular period.  


Finally, Mr. Lee announced that he will give a short briefing regarding the “Act of Insurance and Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents” in the next EHS meeting and hopes the members can take some time to understand this Act in advance.  

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