News & Activities

Golden Brother Chanhua Office Volleyball Contest Ended Successfully

Golden Brother Chanhua Office has held volleyball contest for Vietnam migrant workers for three times.  On April 18 (Sun.), Chanhua office held the 4th “Jiaxing Cup” volleyball contest again with the support from the resident migrant workers.


In this contest, six teams signed up for the competition.  After Alex Yan, manager of Chanhua Office, delivered his speech, all participated players showed their sportsmanship by obeying the judgment of the referee and committed to do their upmost to earn the best results.  After the rule of three battles and two wins in the preliminaries and the second round, team LIÊN QUÂN FC won the first place, the second place by MAXXIS FC, and the third place by NGHỆ TĨNH FC.  Among them, the champion team consists of the following players: he Wenyue h À V Ă n VI Ệ T, Pei Wenyuan B Ù I V Ă n nguy Ê n, Ruan Chongyang nguy Ễ n tr Ọ ng D Ơ ng, Li dengzu L Ê ng Ủ, Ruan Zhoude nguy Ễ n ch Đ u Ứ C, Chen Guoquan tr Ầ n Qu Ố C to Ả n. 


During the Contest, Cheng Shin Tyre Company also sent its staff to look after the competition and sponsored a certain towel and drinking cups, Mr. Cheng-Liang Liang of Lingpin Group Meal Co. Ltd., and Mr. Huang Guosen, the 3rd-party vendor also sponsored 5 cases of sports drinks.  Golden Brother would like to given our thanks to Cheng Shin Tyre Company and Mr. Huang for their sponsorship.  At the same time, we also want to thank all the players who participated in the competition with the best sportsmanship and let us have a healthy and beautiful day all together.

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