News & Activities

Golden Brother Holds Its Second Quarter Meeting of 2021

Golden Brother holds regular quarterly meetings for multi purposes. Firstly, it aims to create a stage for more cadres and colleagues to show their specialties and expertise.  Secondly, it serves as a platform to invite external lecturers to give lectures to stimulate and broaden their horizons through experience sharing in different fields.


The second quarterly meeting was held on April 24 (Saturday). In the meeting, Lecturer Lin, Jiatai was specially invited to give a speech on the topic of "Proactively Challenging Change".  It shows that fear and resistance to change are human nature. However, the focus of our life is on the accumulation the good feelings of ordinary life.  Although we may not be able to make the right choice every time, we still need to practice making the right choice every time so as to contribute his/her part to the transformation and growth of the company and to step one’s own small step forward for the good of his/her life.


The newly established “Hall of Fame of GB”, we specially invites Vice President Shaolian Xiao, Zhaoxuan Peng and Dinghao Li, Wanjun Zheng to share the following topics: "Telling a good story is more effective in marketing", "Five keys to the success of Taiwan's residential management", "Key seasonal abilities to improve work efficiency in the workplace" and "Building a high-performance team with heart to heart".  Finally, we will conduct industry related "RBA labor policy advocacy" to enhance ones’ field expertise.  


After the explanation of each topic, the excellent employees and senior employees were praised immediately and colleagues who recently obtained the Qualified Employment Service Specialist certificates were praised for their good efforts after sharing their experiences.  After that, we will introduce the new comers with comments from President Golden Li for an overall explanation. President Golden Li once again emphasized that the implementation of the "transformation" and the expected success require the sincere dedication and self-improvement of every colleague.  He also invited cadres and colleagues to actively share in the "“Hall of Fame of GB”. A t the same time, President hoped that colleagues would continue to learn and make progress in order to achieve the goal of "Live-Care Service Business for Migrant Workers".

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