News & Activities

Types of Violation of Epidemic Prevention Regulations and Punishment Basis

In order to make people comply with relevant government regulations in the epidemic prevention, the Ministry of Justice made a special announcement on May 15 after sorting out the relevant provisions and penalties of the law on the Communicable Disease Control Act so as to facilitate the public to follow the regulations.


1. Refuse, evade or hinder the investigation of the source of infectious diseases: To be fiined between NT60,000 and 300,000

2. Did not wear masks all the way out: To to fined between NT $3,000 and NT $15,000

3. Did not stop religious activities: To be fined between NT $60,000 and NT $300,000

4. Did not stop the gathering of more than 5 people indoors and more than 10 people outdoors: To be fined between NT $60,000 and NT $300,000

5. Spreading epidemic rumors or false information: Shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or a fine of not more than NT $3 million

6. If a confirmed case or a suspected case fails to follow the instructions of the health authorities (or medical institutions) and leaves the isolation ward without authorization, there is a risk of infecting others: Shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or a fine of not less than NT $200000 but not more than NT $2 million


The item "Stop Religious Activities" in the listed norms is not limited to all kinds of religious beliefs in our country (ROC), other religions such as Catholicism and Islam are also included.  Therefore, migrant workers are requested to stop going to church and mosque during the current epidemic prevention norms and periods.


Customers, colleagues and migrant workers are all requested to remind one another and pay attention to the rules in accordance with the government's epidemic prevention regulations so as to avoid being punished.  We hope with the cooperation of all people, the epidemic situation can be eliminated as soon as possible.


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