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Golden Brother Donates Funds to Kainan University for Migrant Workers’ Training

The migrant workers in Taiwan now approaches 700,000 and there are more than 113,000 migrant workers located in Taoyuan at end of Oct, 2021.  As a result, with high population ratio, it is necessary to look into the critical issues regarding how to better let them emerge in the local culture and environment in Taiwan so as to contribute solidly in the coming future.   


Golden Brother has been in the HR agency business for years and its philosophy is to take care of the workers and encourage them to contribute more for the enterprises they served.  As Taiwan now is in need of more labors, it is expected the migrant workers can contribute much more than they can do today if they can equip with the needed industry knowledge and skills and are able to communicate with local environment in a smooth way particularly when their residence expired as blue collar but still want to stay in Taiwan as white collar.  


Base on above philosophy, Golden Brother discusses with Kainan University back and forth and finally reaches the final stage by conducting the donation ceremony hosted by GB’s President Golden Li and Principal Pearl Lin of Kainan University.  Kainan University will use the fund donated from GB to deliver a series of Chinese communication courses to help the migrant workers earn better communication skills so as to contribute more in the expected future.


On Nov. 25 (Thur.) 2021, in the ceremony, President Li gives his thanks for Kainan University for its willingness to take over the training responsibility and Principal Mrs. Lin also represents the migrant workers to deliver her thankfulness to Golden Brother for having such nobel intention and good heart.  The course will start on Nov. 29th and there will be 20 student from Philippine to attend the class. 

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