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Urge GB’s Staff and Migrant Workers Take the 2nd Dose of Vaccine ASAP

As the variant of corona virus “Omicron” spreads rapidly than expected and the infectivity is much higher than previous virus; therefore, all countries now take strict prevention measures, including country locking, to avoid the continuing spreading of the epidemic.


To better protect our people, except for encouraging people to take the second dose of vaccine and extend the level II alert measures to Dec. 13, 2021, our government also urge our people to follow the policy by taking the 3rd dose (the booster).  We would like to urge all our staff and migrant workers who have not been vaccinated should be vaccinated with two doses asap and take the 3rd does in accordance with the government policy in the future.  


There is no substitute for your health at all and that is why Golden Brother cooperated with the Department of Public Health of Taoyuan to administer the vaccination inside our Chungli Headquarter so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing the immunity to the virus.  It is expected that our staff and migrant workers can cooperate fully with the vaccination policy by taking the vaccines for oneself, for their families, for their companies and for the society in order to increasing the overall stability.  

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