News & Activities

President Golden Li Attended ASE’s Suppliers Award Granting Ceremony in 2021

Golden Brother and its associates have provided the migrant worker services for years and also have been nominated as excellent providers constantly.  Dec. 9 (Thur.) President Li was invited to attend the Excellent Suppliers’ Award Granting Ceremony again at Kaohsiung in 2021.  In the ceremony, ASE emphasized the importance to develop long-term and stable partnership relationship with its partners so as to enhance the competitiveness to gain the win-win result.   Furthermore, ASE also expects that all vendors can continue growing along with ASE and become better and better.


The grant ceremony was hosted by HR Vice President Sunny Lee and Golden Brother was awarded along with two other vendors at the same time.   After getting the award, President Li gave his thanks to ASE for its continuing support and urged all staff of Golden Brother should not be satisfied with the current accomplishment but to strive on for the best in order to meet the challenges in front of us.

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