News & Activities

Chunghwa Fuxing Hall of Golden Brother Received a Visit from Professors

Golden Brother Changhua Fuxing Hall recently received a visit from professors and a detailed report was written by Wen Nina, the reporter of Citizen Journalism.  The following is the full text of the report, for original information, please refer to: https://www.peopo.org/news/567950


Chunghwa Fuxing Hall of Golden Li Human Resources Consultant Co., Ltd. actively interacts with the community with humanized management style and establish friendly relations with the neighborhood thus calling the attention of government, industry, and even the academic field.  On Jan. 4, 2022, there were four professors from private and public universities came to Fuxing Hall for a visit.  Peter Li, Chairman of Golden Brother, lead the in-depth discussion on the industrial development and migrant workers’ issues in Taiwan.  Professors were highly impressed by the interaction of Fuxing Hall and the local community and how it carried the corporate social responsibilities and the management style of building relationships with local community members.


Alex Yan, manager of Fuxing Hall, said that GB has been engaged in the introduction of migrant workers for around 30 years with local branches that provide friendly lodging services for migrant workers all around Taiwan.  At this writing, there are nearly 600 migrant workers in Fuxing Hall, mainly Vietnamese, and they provide considerable human resources for traditional industries in central Taiwan.  Yan said most migrant workers served as first-line operators in the industry and we have to provide service with different styles since they are from various countries with various cultures that need to be understood and managed in different ways that differed from the style of managing Taiwanese people.  In order to provide a comfortable living environment for them, GB provides a convenient living environment and actively interacts with the local community to build a harmonious relationship.  Migrant workers all have the willingness to provide service to clean up the environment around the neighborhood and participate the welfare activities to look after the elderly people such as hair cutting.  In this way, even migrant workers are in Taiwan, they can still sense the warm feeling of being at home.  


GB acknowledged the critical role of the migrant workers to Taiwan’s technical and traditional industry; hence, it is necessary to accommodate the different cultures and provide a proper living environment to them and create a happy living place all together for mutual benefits.  

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