News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted its Feb. EHS Meeting in 2022

To address various EHS issues after the lunar year, Golden Brother conducted its EHS meeting on Feb., 2022.
The EHS meeting followed the standard procedure and required heads of each area to report their latest conditions related to the fire extinguisher, check-up list, auditing findings, garbage handling, and use of the GB Serve App.  Later on, topics associated with EHS and fire extinguisher certification were discussed.  The Chairman of EHS used GB’s official website and internal website to demonstrate issues regarding EHS issues.
After the reports from each head, Chairman concluded the following six topics:
1. Procedure-related:
The EHS meeting should base on standard reporting out format by reporting the 14 issues according to the sequence, no issue can be jumped over without discussion.  In particular, issues that deal with legal concerns can not be omitted.
2. Report-related
The prepared report can directly use the screen of the internal website, no need to do extra work.  the “small essay sharing” session, will be conducted 2 times a month, everyone can participate if you are free.  The link to Google Meet will be shared in the EHS LINE group and GB’s LINE@.
3. Certificate-related
The certificates required are based on the legal requirements and then arranged by the resources available and the size of each affiliated company to reduce the pressure of staff limitation.  The proper one at Chinchu has not been finalized yet, please find the right candidate asap.
4. Garbage-related
The cost of dealing with waste is now highly increasing, the need to reduce the volume of waste is more than serious now; therefore, we have to urge for solid garbage reduction result from each area.  
5. GB Serve App-related
The use of the GB Serve App is for quick communication from both sides, it is necessary to utilize the exiting tool at its most.  
6. Responsibility-related
The files now uploaded to the internal website by the responsible person are going to serve as the evidence while facing auditing from outsiders such as SVAP.  If the contents in the files did not reflect the real situation, every EHS manager including the Chairman should carry the non-transferable responsibilities without any excuses.
Chairman Lee specified that the files on the internal website are all evidence for future auditing.  After finding there are still certain fire extinguishers that fail to replace on time, we are now thinking to add a new section in the internal website that contains every single fire extinguisher to track the validity.
President Golden Li gave added a few remarks after the meeting as follows: “Lay down the foundation properly and strengthen it.  Only with a safe and clean environment, GB can achieve its mission to take care of the migrant workers.”  He hoped the EHS meeting can face the found drawbacks and made needed correction until completion.”

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