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Do not Violate the Forest Act and Steal the Forest Resources: Reminder to Migrant Workers

In these days, we have found the lost contact migrant workers who joined the illegal group to steal the forest resources and were convicted.  Besides, a local taxi driver who supported the transportation of the illegal group is also convicted. 


We would like to specially remind all migrant workers do not steal any forest resources and you will be convicted according to the penalty provisions of chapter 7 in The Forestry Act if render any support to the illegal group.  


Down below is penalty provisions in chapter 7 article 51 and 52 of the Forest Act.  
Article 51:

For unauthorized development or occupation of forest or forestland, the offender shall be liable to six months to five years of imprisonment; in addition thereto, a penalty fine of up to six hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$600,000) may be imposed.
When the offenses listed above lead to disaster, the punitive term shall be increased by one half. Those who commit offenses that result in death shall be liable to imprisonment for at least five years but not more than twelve years; in additional thereto, a penalty fine of up to one million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$1,000,000) may be imposed. Perpetrators of offenses that result in serious injuries shall be liable to at least three years but not more than ten years of imprisonment; in addition thereto, a penalty fine of up to eight hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$800,000) may be imposed.
For offenses of Paragraph 1 involving a conservation forest, the penalty may be increased by one half.
Should the offenses in Paragraph 1 result from negligence, and lead to disaster, the responsible party shall be liable to no more than one year of imprisonment; in addition thereto, a penalty fine of no more than six hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$600,000) may be imposed.
Those who attempt to commit offenses stipulated in Paragraph 1 shall be punishable by the Act.
For offenses stipulated herein, articles used for the commitment of or preparation for the offense or articles derived from or acquired through the commitment of an offense shall be seized whether they belong to the offender or not.

Article 52:
Those who violate Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of Article 50 and are involved in the circumstances listed below shall be liable to imprisonment for at least one year but not more than seven years; in addition thereto, a penalty fine of at least one million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$1,000,000) but no more than twenty million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$20,000,000) shall be imposed:
1. Offenses committed in a conservation forest.
2. Offenses committed by an individual obligated to protect the forest according to a consignment to an organization or other contract agreement.
3. Offenses committed while exercising the right to harvest forest materials.
4. Offenses by more than two conspirators or the employment of other individuals therefor.
5. Using stolen goods as raw materials for producing charcoal, turpentine or other products, or for cultivating mushrooms.
6. Those who use livestock, vessels, vehicles or other equipment for transporting stolen forest products.
7. Those who excavate, destroy, incinerate or hide roots to cover up traces of crime.
8. Those who use stolen forest yields as fuel, for mining of minerals, refining lime, or for manufacturing bricks, tiles and/or other articles.
9. The felling, sawing, or excavating of living trees or other actions that damage trees growth.
Those who attempt any of the above shall be subjected to penalty.
Those who violate Paragraph 1 by stealing primary forest products shall be liable to a penalty that is 50% higher if the stolen product is precious wood. This may be commuted to a penalty fine of ten- to twenty-fold the value of the stolen property.
The aforementioned precious wood refers to species of trees with high economic or ecological value as defined by central competent authorities.
For offenses stipulated herein, articles used for the commitment of or preparation for the offense or articles derived from or acquired through the commitment of an offense shall be seized whether they belong to the offender or not.
Violators or suspects of offenses listed in Article 50 and this Article may have their penalties reduced or may be exempted from penalties if during the investigation process, they provide statements on probandum highly related to the offense or evidence against other principal offenders or accomplices that enable prosecutors to prosecute the other principal offenders or accomplices involved in the offense, only with the permission of prosecutors.

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