News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted Its 2nd Labor Management Quarterly Meeting in 2022

Dated on July 20 (Sat.), Golden Brother conducted its 2nd labor management quarterly meeting to share the key issues with relative representatives.
In this meeting, except for routines issues, the following issues were also reported:
1. Regarding the ergonomics survey
The ergonomics survey should have been conducted early this year; however, due to the epidemic concerns, it is postponed till this July.  Please open your GB Serve and fill in the surveys in order for the company can find the real concern and then find proper solutions. 
2. Regarding company’s 2nd quarter meeting
The second quarter meeting is scheduled on July 30 (Sat.)  Early in the morning, there will be a physical examination for all staff.  In the afternoon, there will be some lectures and the ceremony for senior staff awarding is also prepared.  After the meeting, please make proper arrangements to take your day off.
3. Regarding Code/Regulation Survey
For this quarter, there is a new law enforced, it is “Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act”.  We would like to urge you to take a quick look at this new law to understand your rights.
4. Regarding reporting to duty
As COVID-19 has impacted staff’s reporting to duty, starting from July 1, staff need to follow the original rule to take days off if necessary.
5. Regarding the Autumn Festival bonus
The Autumn Festival bonus will be wire transferred into the staff’s account on Sept. 5.
After the meeting, Chairman Golden Li requested all representatives to deliver the messages addressed in this labor management meeting to their department colleagues as good as they can.  

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