News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted Its EHS Meeting in July, 2022

Golden Brother conducted its EHS meeting on July 28 (Thur.) and requested the EHS head of each area to report relative issues.
For the July meeting, after the briefings from each area, Chairman Lee especially gave a detailed presentation for those newly added functions on our internal website.  Among all, the key items are:
1. The landscape view of the halls 
In the “List of Halls”, the staff can easily find the identity of each hall to understand the overall picture of GB’s dormitories, the residence details of each hall, and the total number of residents in the hall.  Besides, the file “Dynamic statistics of the halls” can help the staff to check the residents quickly and once the number is updated, a new file will be created for quick reference.  
2. Suppliers
The suppliers are a part of GB’s capability and are also included in the auditing scope; therefore, the way of selecting, evaluating, and ethical promises all need to be reviewed. “Supplier list” aims to provide the full list of all suppliers that currently work with Golden Brother.
3. Fire extinguisher
To control the validity of each fire extinguisher, on the internal website, a new function named “fire extinguisher list” will present the validity of each extinguisher at once; hence, our staff can easily spot those that are approaching the end of validity for quick replacement. 
4. Remedy and correction
After auditing, issues that have been found are all listed in the “event record” on our internal website.  If there are any concerns that need to be corrected, our staff can find them in the “non-conformities “.  The Heads of each area can take advantage of this list to make proper remedy actions. 
As for other routines, the heads of each area need to continue enhancing relative EHS issues.  

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