News & Activities

Golden Brother Held its 2nd Quarter Meeting of 2022

Due to the concern of COVID-19, the quarterly meeting was postponed to July 30, and the staff physical examination was carried out in the morning first.  In the afternoon, teacher Hong Chang-Hui was invited to give a speech on the topic of "Work performance should be enhanced, service thinking should be upgraded", followed by the award of senior staff.


Based on his years of experience in the service industry in the front store, Mr. Hong Chang-Hui shared with our colleagues the key issues that should be paid attention to when facing internal and external customers.  At the same time, he gave feasible countermeasures for service personnel when facing customers' nitpicking or complaints.  Speaking of this, in the beginning, it is particularly important to encourage colleagues to adhere to the spirit of the two runners who participated in the competition said Hong.  Mikael Ekvall, a Swedish runner, still ran the whole course despite diarrhea in 2008 at Göteborg, and the other 19-year-old runner 飯田怜 of Japan crawled 200 meters after breaking her leg bone to complete the baton handover!  All these explained the importance of persistence of one’s will.


Mr. Hong also reminded us that the behavior of service is an extension of events, ideas, and emotions.  If you want to meet the demands of your customers, you must recognize the essence of the event, control your emotions, and lead to appropriate ideas, so as not to make behaviors that are in line with customers' expectations.  Therefore, service thinking precedes work performance.  With appropriate service thinking, work performance is just a natural result.


After that, the senior colleagues who have served for five years, ten years, fifteen years, and those with service excellent records were presented with the award.  Because the return to the Philippines is imminent, the President also gave special affirmation and encouragement to Mrs. Chen Yezhen who has served for 22 years in total in Golden Brother, and expect she can return to the company to serve again.  Finally, President Golden Li revealed the performance target in 2022, and explained the company's planning for the next five years to the employees at present, hoping that everyone would work together closely to complete all kinds of tasks and make the dream come true.

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