News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted EHS meeting in Aug., 2022

Golden Brother conducted its EHS meeting on Aug. 25 (Thur.) and the following issues were brought up and some issues are requested to be included in the report for future EHS meetings.

1. Ergonomics survey
The descriptive statistics for ergonomics survey started on July is now available.  Once the heads of each area get the name list that are in need of assistance, please adopt proper interview to understand the concersn so as not to have repeated cases.
2. Water inspection reports
The water inspection reports were stored in the company’s official website. In order to ensure all fountains were inspected on time with proper reports, the EHS members are requested to include the inspection reports in their monthly reports.
3. Status of residence statistics of each hall
The statistics report will be automatically generated on a daily basis once our staff updates the residence status of each hall on our internal website; hence, in the EHS members are requested to update the statistics directly at the backend on the internal website so to get rid of the hassles of data redundancy collection. 
4. Hall management issues
Under the hall management, there is a sub-item named “Hall resume” which aims at collecting all internal or external auditing results.  The information stored will serve as a follow-up tool to ensure the found non-conformities are all corrected.
5. Sustainability management issues
In the sustainability management on the internal website, there is a sub-item named social responsibility with another 3 small subsets.  The heads of each area are urged to put in all kinds of activities related to social responsibility and this information will be used for the social responsibility report in the future.
6. Activity management items
The activities, whatever the contents are, should also be stored on the internal website.  Through the proper storing of all activity phones, the company can use these photos to demonstrate to our clients the efforts we made for the migrant workers.  High-resolution photos are expected; otherwise, they be will difficult to be used on printing material. 


Last but not least, impacted by the COVID, the garbage reduction target did not meet our expectations.  As the handling of garbage becomes critical since the incinerators in Taiwan can not hold more, it is necessary to urge the migrant workers not to bring in the garbage to minimize the loading of handling garbage.  Furthermore, the water supply is now as difficult as last year, the EHS meeting demands the heads of each area to overlook the water consumption status and be prepared to adopt critical measures to counter the shortage of water supply.  

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