News & Activities

Golden Brother Invites Enterprises to Attend the “Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program”

Dated on Oct. 12 & 13, Golden Brother cooperated with Taiwan Science Park Industry Association, Hsinchu Part Office, Central Park Office, Southern Park Office, Taoyuan Enterprise Federation, Taiwan Science Park Electrical and Electronics Industry Association to invite Mr. Xue Jianzhong, the former head of the management team of the Workforce Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor, to deliver speeches on the topic of “Facing the Shortage of Manpower and Talents.”   It is our hope to assist Taiwan enterprises to better understand the “Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program” so as to have a high chance to hire more eager needed migrant workers.  


Through Mr. Xue Jianzhong's detailed explanation, there should be some answers on how to make migrant workers stay in Taiwan for a longer time under legal conditions to continue to contribute to domestic enterprises.  Due to the shortage of labor force for enterprises that urgently need manpower for manufacturing, the " Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers Program " should undoubtedly be one of the major policies to effectively fill the above-mentioned gap.


We would like to express my gratitude to those who participated in the Chungli and Hsinchu speeches.  Later, the seminar will be held in three other places, including the China Science Industry Association, the South Science Industry Association, and Kaohsiung Software Park.  Those who are interested in participating in the speeches are more than welcomed.  Please scan the following QR Code to register.

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