News & Activities

Improper fees charged to migrant workers in the name of Golden Brother International Co. Ltd. will be investigated according to law

Recently, it was found that an outsider had used the corporate identity of Golden Brother International Co., Ltd. and falsely used the name of the company to collect the referral fees from foreign migrant workers which was definitely improper and had not been agreed or authorized by Golden Brother at all. 


In accordance with the article 40 of the Employment Service Act, referring a migrant worker who has served in Taiwan to work in another place is a non chargeable matter, there are also penalties for those who violate the relevant regulations; hence, Golden Brother will not charge any fees for the type of services referred to in the preceding cases.  In the future, if there is any fraud in the name of the Golden Brother against a foreign migrant workers, Golden Brother will investigate the impostor according to law and we also would like remind migrant workers not to be deceived.


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