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Regulations on the Listing and Punishment of Mini Electric Two-wheel Vehicles

According to the latest Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act of the Republic of China, the original electric bicycle has been renamed as a "mini electric two-wheel vehicle" since November 2022, and it can only be put on the road with a license plate. The electric bicycles that have been purchased before the implementation of the new law (before November 2022) can run on the road with the qualification mark according to the old laws and regulations, but they still need to go to the supervisory authority within two years to convert the existing qualification mark into the license plate issued by the supervisory authority and can continue to run after two years; otherwise, they will be punished according to the newly revised punishment regulations.
For the relevant fines of micro electric two-wheel vehicles, if the vehicle speed exceeds 25km/h, the driver will be fined NT900~1,800; If you ride a miniature electric bicycle under the age of 14, you will be fined NT600~1,200 and prohibited to drive it on the spot, and the vehicle will be transferred to custody; If the public buys a mini electric two-wheel vehicle but does not obtain a license plate, they may be fined NT1,200~3,600, and the maximum fine for unauthorized modification is NT5,400.
All migrant workers who use electric bicycles should not ignore this regulation in order to avoid being punished.

點閱人數 : 3326