News & Activities

Chairman Peter Li of Golden Brother Cares About the Weak Population of Changhua

Mr. Peter Li, the chairman of Golden Brother, has devoted himself to the support of vulnerable families all year round, visited relatively vulnerable friends in society with concern, and provided needed living materials with empathy to help them improve their lives.  Under pious religious belief, he always takes the compassion of pulling out pain and giving happiness as the essence of helping others and doing good.


In the past year, when the epidemic was raging, in addition to personally visiting with colleagues and Ann's Charity Society, he also urged Changhua's colleagues to go deep into the mountains and the countryside to give support and care to those in need, and to do their best to hope that all living beings would be happier and safer.


The following are the video clips of Chairman Li's visit to vulnerable friends in Changhua during the past year, hoping that enterprises and individuals can do their best and give their charity hearts to build a harmonious society.


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