News & Activities

Golden Brother International Held Cervical Cancer Smear and Breast Cancer X-ray Examinations for Migrant Workers

Since cervical cancer and breast cancer are common diseases among women, in order to enable early detection and early treatment, Golden Brother International cooperated with the local obstetrics and gynecology medical team on the morning of May 26 (Friday) at Minghu Hall in Hsinchu, to assist female migrant workers in cervical cancer smears and breast cancer X-ray photography.


In addition to being held at the Hsinchu branch, this health check-up will also be held at the headquarters in Zhongli. Migrant workers who need to learn more about their own health are welcome to participate and to send a reassurance message to family members abroad. A total of more than 180 migrant workers participated in the examination held in Hsinchu. We hope that all friends who participated in this activity can work happily and live a healthy life.


To increase the willingness of migrant workers to participate, except for giving health information routinely, we also give gifts to those migrant workers who participated in health checkups. We look forward to the health checkup activities in Zhongli HQ which will also bring health and peace messages to everyone.

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