News & Activities

Golden Brother International held Cervical and Breast Cancer Screenings for Migrant Workers at the Headquarter in Zhongli

Cervical cancer and breast cancer are common diseases among women. Pre-examination can help rapid treatment and increase the survival rate of patients. Therefore, Golden Brother International held the mammograms and pap smears for migrant workers at the Minghu Hall in Hsinchu on May 26 (Friday) and then conducted another inspection service at the Zhongli headquarter on June 16 (Friday) to take care of the migrants served by Jiaxing work.


Under the professional guidance of medical personnel and the cooperation of migrant workers, and with the assistance of Jiaxing colleagues, a total of 77 migrant workers participated in the inspection this time, and another 10 Golden Brother colleagues also joined at the same time. The whole inspection items were completed successfully.


Physical health is the foundation of everything. Golden Brother International hopes that all migrant workers should take good care of their bodies so as to build a good basis for the happiness of themselves and their families. We hope that everyone will be safe, healthy and healthy.

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