News & Activities

Golden Brother International Holds Labor and Management Meeting in July 2023

Golden Brother International held a labor-management meeting on July 6th (Thursday) and reported to labor representatives on the company's various operating conditions, as well as the achievement of corporate social responsibility performance indicators in the second quarter of 2023.


In addition to explaining the labor dynamics related to the company's business, the meeting also specifically explained the results of regulatory checking related to the company to the labor representatives. From March 28th to June 30th, a total of 26 regulations were reviewed, including the Employment Services Law, Personal Data Protection Law, and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, which have been revised. Golden Brother International has also made internal adjustments in accordance with relevant regulations. In terms of the set performance indicators, the indicators for the second quarter were successfully achieved.


Regarding the Public Welfare Road Run event, the Hsinchu session on June 4th has been completed with 101 participants, while the Kaohsiung session on August 6th has 44 registrations. The Changhua event, expected to be held on September 17th, has 10 registrations. The "Family Day" will be held on July 29th (Saturday) at the Lugang Resort in Changhua. The annual 'Employee Group Tour' is scheduled to be held in two batches from October 15th to 16th, and from 21st to 22nd.


The colleague proposed to discuss the aforementioned group tour plan at the labor-management meeting, and with the consent of representatives from both labor and management, the proposal was passed. In addition, regarding the effective transmission of information within the company, the chairman encourages everyone to not only use existing channels but also share with colleagues in daily operations to achieve rapid transmission.


Considering that the industry has been under economic pressure this year, the business expansion of Golden Brother has also had a related impact. In order to look forward to a better tomorrow, President Li continued to remind colleagues after the meeting to maintain a proactive attitude and challenge themselves bravely in order to make breakthroughs and achieve the original plan.

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