News & Activities

Golden Brother International Holds 2023 Annual Family Day Event

On July 29th (Saturday), under the long-awaited expectations of colleagues, Golden Brother International held a family day event at Asia Pacific Lukang Resort in Changhua, and 322 colleagues and their families participated. It coincides with the 30th anniversary of the founding of Golden Brother, so this event is of special historical significance and it also symbolizes the challenges and opportunities that Golden Brother is facing in the future.


In this event, Chairman Peter Li, Vice Chairman David Xie, and President Happy Li led colleagues to participate together, and under the joyful competition game divided into six groups, they gathered consensus and marched towards success. After competitions such as "Siege the City and Land", "I Love You and Go Forward", " Train Flying Quickly" and other competitions, the "Logistics Team" finally won the championship. Other colleagues enjoyed the joy of summer and felt the heart of the company with Golden Brother’s colleagues from all over the north and south through various checkpoint activities and parent-child games.


After the event, the Chairman and President held a lucky draw, and amidst everyone's laughter and exquisite surprise gifts, marked another starting point for the 30-year journey.

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