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Please Work Together to Prevent and Control "African Swine Fever"

African swine fever originally occurred in Kenya, Africa, and later spread to various parts of the world. Due to the acute and highly contagious nature of the virus, the onset process is short, but the mortality rate is high. Therefore, all countries have taken strict prevention and control measures.


Although this virus is not a zoonotic infectious disease and is harmless to the human body, as there is currently no vaccine available, once it spreads domestically, it can only be eradicated indiscriminately and comprehensively as a means of prevention and control. Undoubtedly, it will cause significant losses to pig farmers in Taiwan, and the government has repeatedly urged Taiwanese people and migrant workers not to bring pork products to avoid punishment.


We would like to remind everyone to pay attention on weekdays and not to import or bring pork products from abroad to avoid spreading and personal punishment.

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