News & Activities

Golden Brother International donated a batch of livelihood materials to the "Mu Hsiang Sweet Home"

In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility and help social welfare groups in the Taoyuan area, Golden Brother International made a special trip to the "Mu Hsiang Sweet Home " located on Zhongshan South Road, Taoyuan District, on September 20 (Wednesday) to express its gratitude and donate a batch of livelihood materials to facilitate the daily usage of accommodated students.


During this trip to Mu Hsiang Sweet Home, in addition to Mr. Lee and Li from Golden Brother International, Mr. Xinjia Huang from Laifu Transportation Co., Ltd. also participated in the trip. Miss Jiaminhe Zhu, the representative of the Sweet Home accepted the various materials donated by Golden Brother and took a group photo together after presenting the certificate of thankfulness.  At the same time, Sweet Home also invited Golden Brother and our colleagues to take care of Sweet Home students' living or other needs in the future and contribute to the peace and beauty of society if there are other appropriate opportunities in the future. 

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