News & Activities

October Activity Description of Golden Brother International ESG Health Promotion Lecture

Since March, the health promotion lectures promoted by Golden Brother International have been quickly running for more than eight months.  In October, we traveled to three companies, namely Topoint Technology at Shulin, Wiston Corp., and Sigurd Semiconductor Corp. located at Hsinchu.


On October 3rd, with the assistance of Miss Xiangqi Wang, more than 20 colleagues participated in the lecture on Topoint Technology.  During the individual guidance process, especially in the cases of pelvic anterior tilt and spinal lateral bend, explanations were provided.  It was hoped that while working hard, colleagues could pay attention to their own body changes so that early treatment could not be delayed and their physical condition could continue to deteriorate.


On October 17th and 24th, we went to the "Xin'an Plant" and "Hukou Second Plant" of Wistron Zitong, respectively.  The first lecture received enthusiastic participation from colleagues, with a total of over 40 participants including foreign migrant workers.  The second lecture was mainly attended by migrant employees, with more than 20 foreign workers participating together.  During these two lectures, through step-by-step guidance, colleagues gained a better understanding of ways to soothe the body and also gained a clearer understanding of the possible causes of pain and discomfort caused by improper posture.  We are particularly impressed by the immediate assistance of Deputy Manager Daniel Liu and Miss Lanting Guo from Xin'an Plant, as well as Ms. Xiangyun Jian from Hukou Second Plant, as well as the translation of Filipino by colleague Qingxin Ran.


The last lecture of this month was held at Sigurd Hukou Factory, and on the afternoon of October 30th, about thirty colleagues jointly attended the lecture.  During the on-site guidance process, a soothing approach was specifically proposed for the causes of a large number of "round shoulders" and pelvic movements for friends in the technologies industry.  At the same time, demonstrations and explanations were also made on-site for the posture parts that need attention during aerobic exercise to prevent the waist from being harmed first.  We also need to give our gratitude for the assistance from Miss Eily Tseng and Miss Zuan Chung.


"Healthy Life, Happy Work" is the intention and main axis of Golden Brother’s promotion of health promotion lectures.  We hope that all participating friends can obtain basic methods of self-detection and posture adjustment under the guidance of two physical therapists, Zhuoyu Li (James) and Manling Huang (Jenny). Through movement, we can eliminate accumulated stress and stay away from illness, making ourselves healthier and more energetic in life.

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