News & Activities

Golden Brother International's 2023 Health Promotion Public Welfare Activity Successfully Completed

The "Happy Work, Healthy Life" health promotion public lectures promoted by Golden Brother International since March this year have gone through nine months and thirty-four sessions.  It was completed successfully on December 5th (Tuesday) after visiting the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) and Sigurd Microelectronics Corp. Zhongxing Factory.  Let us give special thanks go to Yi-chong Luo, Vice President of the NCSIST, and Chengde Zhang , Deputy Director of NCSIST, for their full participation, as well as colleagues from Sigurd Microelectronics Zhongxing Factory for their enthusiasm, and Ms. Yiying Peng, a colleague from HR & Admin Department, for her assistance.


In the process of promoting the lecture, we would like to express my gratitude to all clients/autorities and participants for their cooperation and enthusiasm, as well as to the agencies/authorities such as the Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research and the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology for their joint participation. The goal is nothing more than to alleviate the pressure caused by discomfort (such as lower back pain and body soreness) through physical self-testing so that colleagues can enjoy a better quality of life and make higher contributions to the companies/units they serve.


Thank you again to all the enterprises and units that cooperated with Golden Brother, as well as to the friends who participated in the 34 sessions.  We also appreciate the hard work of physical therapists Zhuoyu Li (James) and Manling Huang (Jenny) in giving lectures with the collaboration of Golden Brother in various regions in the north and south Taiwan during their vacations.  All efforts, in the enthusiastic participation of participants and the private health inquiries after the lecture, can be comforted and satisfied through the deep trust of sharing personal issues.


As the saying goes: "Service is the purpose of life."  Sharing experience and conveying knowledge through service is a joyful thing, and Golden Brother also has a vision of a "Live-Care Service Business for Migrant Workers."  Taking good care of our customers and foreign workers with empathy and compassion to ensure smoother operation of our customers and enhance productivity can enhance customer competitiveness and trust in Golden Brother, thereby gaining customer recognition and continuous service opportunities, and achieving a win-win situation, This is exactly the managing philosophy of Golden Brother.


We hope that all participants in the process can work happily and live a healthy life, balancing the dual pressures of the company and family.

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