News & Activities

Golden Brother International takes care of sick migrant workers returning to their hometown in the Philippines

Ronald Daiz, a migrant worker who was introduced by Golden Brother International to serve in a technology company in Tainan, was diagnosed with cancer last year.  Our colleagues immediately assisted in seeking medical treatment and provided daily care services, in the hope of early detection and recovery after treatment.


As of November 31st this year, during the process of seeking medical treatment for around 2 years, unfortunately, cancer recurred and caused cervical spine fractures.  Despite providing joint care with the company served by the migrant worker, he was unable to recover as expected.  After consulting the migrant worker's expectations, he decided to return to the Philippines to improve his physical condition through local medical care in a friendly environment, and eventually recover and embark on a new path of opportunity.


With the support of the migrant worker's employment company and the assistance of OWWA in Taiwan and the Philippines, Golden Brother also dispatched colleague to accompany the migrant worker back to the Philippines throughout the journey until he was sent to the migrant worker's family members.  The process of sending migrant workers home as mentioned above is also assisted by the Philippine office in Taiwan, Liangpin Travel Agency, and other supporting friends so as to make the back home trip become realized.  Let us give our gratitude to these agenies as well.  


We would like to express our greatest gratitude and respect to all the units and colleagues who participated in this service relocation.  It is hoped that after Ronald returns home, he will take good care of himself and recover as soon as possible, so that his family can be relieved and he can start his new life after recovery.

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