News & Activities

Golden Brother International Held 2024 Annual Strategy Conference

To enhance the overall competitiveness of Golden Brother International and develop appropriate business strategies based on the latest market changes, Golden Brother International held its 2024 annual strategy conference from December 26 to 27, 2023 at the Sheraton Hotel in Bali, New Taipei City.


At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Golden Li, the President, made a policy statement on the operational results for 2023 and the goals for 2024.  Then, department heads reviewed the past results to encourage the future and reported on the operational key themes for 2024 to other departments to achieve consistent goals and collaborative efforts.  Finally, the President made a concluding promise to work together toward the new year.


During this period, Golden Brother also specially invited consultant Claire Xie to explain the process of strategy formulation and the precautions to be taken.  Through brainstorming, Claire evaluated the strategies formulated by various departments and made appropriate suggestions, to align the overall goals of the company with the direction of each department, gather needed resources, and leverage the advantages to win customer recognition and market reputation.


During the meeting, Chairman Mr. Peter Li also attended to encourage colleagues to continue to improve, utilize their strengths, and make efforts no less than those of others to grow and move forward with the company.

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