News & Activities

Golden Brother International Held the January 2024 OHS Meeting

Golden Brother International held the 2024 occupational safety and health meeting on the 18th of this month (Thursday), and reported to colleagues the current status of the on-site management audit, as well as safety and health promoting issues.


This meeting specifically focused on the recommendations previously made in the ISO9001 revalidation process, explained the risk identification and management part, and provided colleagues with the risk identification process for reference.  At the same time, the key points of risk management mentioned in the nearly two-day ISO9001 training course were restated to effectively improve and reduce the identified risks.  Furthermore, based on the inspection situation of dormitories in each region, the deficiencies and improvement suggestions are provided to provide the basis for improvement as soon as possible to the supervisors of each region.


Given the previous fires in migrant worker dormitories in Hukou area that resulted in the casualties of the fire brigade captain, as well as the fires in migrant worker dormitories in other agency companies in Hemei Town, Changhua, they were also specially emphasized at this occupational safety and health meeting, and colleagues were requested to continue to promote the "fire prevention and control measures". "Zero tolerance" policy, and strengthen fire and electricity management in dormitories.  It is also necessary to continue to educate all migrant workers about the risks to life and property caused by fires.


To continuously reduce risks and carry out source management, this meeting once again requires the supervisors of each region to report on the occupational safety and health status of the areas they are responsible for, to reduce risks through early management and in advance elimination as much as possible.  Overall risks, and at the same time, risk awareness are needed to be instilled in front-line dormitory management staff.


Finally, Chairman Lee asked colleagues from the dormitory maintenance unit to re-examine and update the evacuation charts of all dormitories across the province to confirm that they all comply with the legal regulations.  The chairman also reminded colleagues that the bilingual stickers previously produced for dormitories are now in hand and will be released after the meeting for each unit to use.

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